Duration : 2h30 - 4h
“You don’t need more space, you need less unnecessary stuff.“
This coaching is (obviously) done at home. Of course, I come into your private world, but absolutely without any judgment and with kindness. I don’t come to your house to do the housework or to judge the beauty of your decor.
This coaching session is for you if:
- Your wardrobe is overflowing but you find that you really don’t have anything to wear
- every morning, no matter what the occasion.
- You’re not sure what’s right for you anymore.
- You feel like you get lost in your wardrobe.
- You can’t mix clothing items and accessories together
- You’re planning (again?) to go on a shopping spree for the 3rd time this week.
STOP : you can no longer close the door of your dressing room and far from solving your problem, it amplifies it.
Let me reassure you that you are far from being the only one!
During this coaching session :
- We sort together all the items that still fit you and that you still love
- You try them on and we go over the pros and cons
- We then discuss whether or not to keep them and why
- We practise associating the items kept with each other
- We review the other items so as not to miss “forgotten treasures”
- We make a list of what’s missing from your ideal wardrobe
- As a result of this in-depth review, you can make the most of all the items you keep and you can decide whether you truly need to buy new items and which ones.
- This wardrobe sorting could also be followed by a future shopping outing together (or not, depending on what you choose)